Saturday, December 4, 2010

University of Alabama: Getting Spiritual

Sorry w/ the But you said I could Dr. Simmons! lol....Plus, I don't want any SURPRISES! Lol! Anywho I found this video interesting. Does UA still have this every year or whatever? I would definitely attend if I knew about it. Not that I would change my religion but just to learn about others'.

More Finals!...Women, Religion, & Domestic Violence

This particular video touches on issues that I addressed in my paper. As I have said before in my paper, I don't believe that God/Jesus are for domestic violence & for a woman to have to stay in that situation.

Another Final.....What God Wants

This post is similar to my paper. My paper addressed oppression of blacks & women but this post uses a lot of examples how people use God & religion to "do what they want". Its pretty vulgar.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Post! Religious Opinions In The South.....hilarious!

Sorry guys....okay this is my last but I saw this vid yesterday on youtube & I figured I'd go ahead & post it. Its very interesting and funny, atleast to me! lol